February 21-23 2025

“and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” - John 8:32

Speakers and Song Leader

  • Josh Cantrell


    A native of Phenix City, AL, Joshua obeyed the gospel in 2004 at the Cusseta Road Church of Christ. He is a 2015 graduate of the Memphis School of Preaching (2015) and holds a Bachelor of Religious Studies from Nations University (2019). He served as the pulpit preacher for the Cusseta Road Church of Christ in Columbus, GA (2015-2021) and the South Florida Avenue Church of Christ in Lakeland, FL (2021-2023). Joshua, his wife, Daniela Cantrell, and his son, Adrian. He currently preaches for the Avondale church of Christ in Decatur, GA. 

  • Joe Wells


    Joe Wells holds an earned B.S. degree in Science along with a completion certificate from the Nashville School of Preaching and Biblical Studies and a Masters of Ministry degree from Freed-Hardeman University. Joe travels the country as a frequent speaker for youth and family events, men’s days, as well as gospel meetings. He is the co-founder of Kaio Publications, publishers of the Family Devotional series as well as the Finer Grounds Bible Study series for women. Joe has served God in a public way since 2000 in the capacity of youth minister and gospel preacher, helping people make the connection with the Word of God and encouraging them to be transformed for Christ. He is blessed to the husband to the former Erin O’Hara, and they are the proud parents of four beautiful children: Colton, Michala, Camden, and Bennett.

  • Eric D. Garner


    Eric D. Garner is a native of Chattanooga, TN and privileged to be married to his beautiful wife Daljuania (Del-wana) who blessed him with two wonderful and lovely daughters, Aiyana (I-yana), and Leilani (Lay-lani). He began preaching the gospel of Christ in 2009 and served the Avondale congregation in Chattanooga for 12 years. He began preaching for the church at Ooltewah in January 2021.

    In addition to preaching, Eric holds a secular position as a high school assistant principal. By way of education, he earned a degree in Bible from the Online Academy of Biblical Studies, and secularly, he holds a Doctorate of Education from Carson-Newman University. Eric has been fortunate to conduct gospel meetings, serve in lectureships/conferences, and hold speaking engagements domestically and abroad. The Lord has blessed him to be involved in various works within the Lord’s church. Below are a few he is currently involved in:

    • Instructor for the Chattanooga School of Preaching and Biblical Studies.

    • Host of Make It Plain: The Eric, Kee, and Cameron Show on GBN.

  • Jesse Eaton

    Song Leader

    Jesse Eaton serves as the Worship Minister at the Stantonville Church of Christ in Stantonville, Tennessee. He graduated in 2024 from Freed-Hardeman University with a bachelors degree in Bible and vocal music. Freed-Hardeman is also where Jesse met his wife, Sarah, and they now live in Henderson, TN. Jesse enjoys leading and teaching congregational singing in Churches of Christ around the nation, and is thankful for the opportunity to be a part of YES! Weekend 2025.



  • 7:30 —— Registration/Icebreakers

  • 8:00 —— Announcements/Welcome

  • 8:10 —— Singing with Jesse Eaton

  • 8:30 —— Lesson: Eric Garner “God is Real

  • 9:00 —— Closing Remarks


  • 8:30 —— Registration/Icebreaker

  • 9:00 —— Welcome/Announcements

  • 9:10 —— Singing

  • 9:30 —— Lesson: Eric Garner “Fornication is Sin

  • 10:00 —— Break

  • 10:15 —— Let’s Talk Session #1 — MS, HS, and College will be divided into small discussion groups

  • 10:50 —— Singing

  • 11:00 —— Lesson: Josh Cantrell “God made them male and female

  • 11:45 —— Lunch #1

    • (Faulkner, Freed, Lads and YES II will speak to half the group while the other half eats lunch)

  • 12:15 —— Transition Break

  • 12:30 —— Lunch #2

    • (Faulkner, Freed, Lads and YES II will speak to half the group while the other half eats lunch)

  • 1:00 —— Singing

  • 1:20 —— Let’s Talk Session #2

  • 1:55 —— Singing

  • 2:00 —— Lesson: Eric Garner “Technology Impacts your Spiritual Health

  • 2:30 —— Closing Remarks

  • 3:00 —— Activities (Basketball, Movie, Obstacle Coure, etc.)

  • 5:00 — Dinner

  • 6:00 —— Minute-To-Win-It

  • 6:30 —— Singing

  • 7:00 —— Lesson: Joe Wells “Baptism is for the Remission of Sins

  • 7:45 —— Closing Remarks and Return to Hotels


  • 9:30 —— Bible Study: Josh Cantrell “There is ONE Church

  • 10:30 —— Worship: Joe Wells “Hell is Real

The first YES (Youth Enrichment Seminar) Weekend was held in February, 1986 with approximately 280 young people from around the southeast in attendance. Since then, YES Weekend has grown to have attendances of over 1,000. Its success is built upon its motivating speakers, timely lessons, fantastic fellowship, great fun and spiritual growth. YES Weekend is designed for 6th through 12th grade and College students. The premise behind the seminar is to prepare our young people to make sound decisions in their lives. We feel it is our responsibility to guide and direct our children in the way they should go. This will, as God has stated, help them as they grow old (Proverbs 22:6). The impact we have on our youth is so great and we must keep them excited about Christianity. It is our hope and prayer to continue to lead our young people in the path of righteousness. We also hope you take advantage of YES Weekend to help prepare your young people for the future.

Yes Weekend is an event of Forrest Park church of Christ For more info, email us at: info@yesyouth.org

 4263 Inner Perimeter Road, Valdosta, GA 31602

OFFICE: 229-242-2174